My V is for Victoriana. I'm looking forward to seeing what you've all come up with - wow its getting tricky at this end of the alphabet.
So then - as we're nearly at the end - do you want me to continue with the inchy blog - I do have an idea of what we can do next - which will be slightly different to the other inchy challenge blog that Doreen runs and hopefully slightly different to all the other challenges out there - the inspiration for the new challenge came from all your lovely inchies that you've done for this alphabet challenge - a small prize for whoever can guess what we'll be doing next! Get your thinking heads on!
mine's on my blog too
Yes the letters at the end of the alphabet are more difficult!! My V inchy is here:
my blog
Yes please continue with the inchy challenge... haven't a clue what you are planning next, but I'll try and think.....
Yes I agree, the next few letters will be tricky lol! It's not so much the ideas as having the stamps that are small enough for me to use!
Please continue Fiona, although I have no clue as to what your ideas might be lol!
Here is mine
tfl xx
Yes, yes, yes - please continue Fiona :o)
Quotations, twinsets, errr ... I give-up ... LOL
My V for Vintage inchie can be seen here.
Just trying to decide how best to display the whole set. Any ideas anyone?
daisy xx
The only thing I can think of is that the next challenge will be on a particular theme... eg. the inchies all have to be stamped, or digital?? But I am probably completely off beam!
Oh, I do hope you carry on with the challenge blog!
Been fun!
Mmmmm wondering, what you have up your sleeve now Fiona?? Never been good at guessing games!! Looking forward to hearing your plans :)
Oh, and here is my 'V'
Jan x
Jan x
Angela - it definitely won't be digital - doing digital inchies doesn't really pose the challenge of trying to work in a small space so the next lot will not include any digital - sorry to all those digital fans
Mmmm, had a little think...
Could it be another theme, then we have to incorporate our inchies into some sort of craft project??
Jan x
Oh that's good Fiona - mine are never Digital either! However, I must confess that I occasionally have used computer generated text to print out a tiny word or phrase!
I am still trying to catch up. I should be up to W by next Monday and then keep up for the rest!
I posted my summer swap inchies to you today Fiona
It is challenging to work on small space with descriptive theme ah. Any plans for putting more details to a smaller space? Good luck and thanks for bringing different idea to us.
Nina @ http://www.bestfunnyvideos.tk
Trust me to join in when it's the difficult letters - lol! Please continue with the challenge - would like to do the whole alphabet. My V is here - http://bevscraftspace.blogspot.com/
Hi Fiona
Finally got my twinset done!
Each week has a letter, but each letter has a theme or technique or some connection to the letter - (not a running theme - something random) at the end we all (somehow) swap - so that our alphabets are not all our own!!!!! Perhaps we could all offer up suggestions for different letters? did you all follow that?!
A = Africa B = Books C= Colouring
I feel dizzy now!
lol Karen!
Fiona - my swaps went in the post a couple of days ago, hopefully they are with you now! xx
I'm rubbish at guessing games! But I'm up for whatever you suggest. My 'on the beach' swaps went in the post yesterday so they might be a day late:0( Sorry.
ps My 'U' and 'V' inchies will be in with my 'W' inchy post tomorrow.
Hope my inchies will be with you on Monday. They caught Saturdays lunchtime post (first class).
Love Karenx
Very beautiful.
my Vintage-inch
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