I had the chance to see the fabulous Beverley Craven in concert on Saturday in Winchester - she is one of my favourite female singer/songwriters and doesn't get enough credit in my opinion. My word for this week - as a tribute to Beverley, is SONG.
Here's mine - the Robin is a favourite bird of mine and his birdsong one of the prettiest tunes - we have a pair in our garden who are always vying for territory but the garden is plenty big enough for both of them - this bird is taken from a Stampin Up stamp and looks very robin like - the sheet music is from an old piece of music of Ave Maria from Verdi's Othello - Desdemona's song which is where the wording 'Song' also came from.

Beautiful little robin :D I agree, he has one of the most gorgeous songs of all the birds. :D XXX
You are an early bird this morning Fiona!
I'm feeling the urge to make an inchy today (!) been a while I know.
I think Barry has a Beverley Craven CD in his collection - I'm going to hunt it out later and check out your inspiration :)
Have a good week
Love Karenx
Hi Fiona
Oh no, I've just read your post about winding up your inchybyinch blog - that's sad news, but thank you so much for running it (through good times and bad).
Your inchy today is so sweet and I love Beverley Craven too (reminds me to dig out one of her cd's!).
Unless someone posts theirs while I'm writing this, it looks like I'm first in line with my inchy this week (mind you I've still got to do last week's 'faith'!).
Thank you again, Fiona.
A really lovely inchie Fiona. I'm sorry that I haven't made any inchies recently as I've been really busy, been ill and had computer problems all at the same time ... but I'm really glad I am taking part in the lovely tag swap for Christmas. Thank you once again for hosting the inchies/tags swaps and for hosting this blog for the last couple of years. It's been fun!
Here is my inchie:
Thank you so much for being our host Fiona - it's been fun.
This is my 'faith'.................. rather late!
i like your inchy!
Hi again Fiona
I love your sweet little robin inchy.
I have so enjoyed your blog challenge and really appreciate all the effort you have put into it.
Mondays just won't be the same :(
I am so happy that we met and became friends all because of inchies!
Here is my inchy, notes....
See you next week
Love Karenx
ps think Barry's cd was beverley knight!!!! close - but no cigar!
I'm terribly sad to read the news that this challenge will be coming to an end, but all good things must at some point I suppose.
Thank you for all of your hard work and for keeping it going for as long as you have.
I hope we'll keep in touch via cyberspace.
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